Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sorry! No RED today!
Today is the first of a new set of Friday challenges at SC. The challenge was to use texture, a color you seldom use, and dp.
Since I always use RED, that was out. Darn, and I was already going through withdrawal after so many other colors!! Anyway, I NEVER use Bordering Blue. It's just a little too gray for me. I went out with Mom a couple of days ago and helped her buy out dp at M's. (We didn't leave much!!) Going through it, I came across this FAB K & Co. dp, and guess what?? Just matches BB. I also had this wonderful ribbon that's more like paper than fabric, and it was perfect.
Polished this off with a pretty image, silver domes and punches. In spite of the fact that there's no RED, I really like it. I hope you do too. Hugs to all.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
A Day of Bling (2 Posts)
For the WT259, the theme was lace, and I had this wonderful image of a lace flower that needed some ink. Little did I know this would end up two whole hours of trial and error... and mostly error (and trial too!)
Nothing seemed to work together. You should see my work table!! Things are stacked so that there isn't room to add a caraway seed!!!
I'm pleased with the results, but will NEVER make this again. I would thank Julia for the challenge, but I'm too exhausted to even do that. I'll go lie down now, with a cold cloth on my forehead, and even though it's WAY too early for a glass of wine, I may just consider it anyhow! Have a great day..........don't call me, I'll be resting!
Oh. Don't forget to chect out the THT038 below. Seeya.
THT038 Bling It On!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A Belli Challenge EXTRA!! ... and a Sketch
A week ago we shared our images from our sponsor, QKR Stampede. they were kind enough to send us three images of our choice, EACH! Their stamps are so fabulous, we decided to use all three of them, so we are having an extra post.
My image is just called Bluejays. I used some $ Tree dp, and painted the birds with Buckaroo Blue and Brocade. I added some primas and punched leaves, and some great new matching brads. Please visit QKR Stampede. They have images that work for everyone!!
This is the card I made for the SC269 at SCS this morning. After the wild and crazy bright card yesterday, I thought something more subtle was called for.
I hope you like the two for the different challenges, and that you will take a look at my gallery when you have the time. Have a good day.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A BIG ONE for Tuesday!!
..... and a TRIPLE! I don't think I've ever done this before, but here are three challenges all at once!
1. CC259 to use Olympic colors on white - RED, yellow, and green.
2. MMTPT82 to use a white bg and some color - the abominable, Abner, has never seen color at the half pipe with Shaun Whhite. I thought he would like a snowy bg, and would spring into color with Spring Bouquets by TreehouseStamps!
3. DDC hostess Fran (Francie G.) DARED us to make a 1,2,3 card - 1 ribbon, 2 brads, 3 punches or layers.
Feel free to join us in any of these challenges. Simply put the letters in your keyword. I'll be reading in the snowstorm. Hope you're having a great day!
Monday, February 22, 2010
I LOVE Mondays!

You will probably think I am crazy, but I just love Mondays. When you are retired, it doesn't really matter WHAT day it is! LOL! I only worked all my life for this .... and I must say I am enjoying it to the hilt!!
On Mondays, I get to play in two challenges, and they are really great. The TLC is to make a card with punches. What fun. I only have about a ZILLION of them!! The CAS is to remake a card in a clean and simple fashion that was not before. If you click on these photos, you can see them a bit bigger, if you want. For the punched card, I really have to give credit to Ellen Kemper, as I sort of cased one of hers. Have a great day. Enjoy your Monday!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
For My Friend Judi!!
Today, my SCS friend Judi Rose is the FS!! How sweet is that??
I love her layouts, her CAS cards, her wonderful sense of humor, and her generosity!! These are the two cards I made this morning that are cases of two of hers. There is more info on my SCS gallery. Congrats again, dear friend. You are so deserving of this honor. Enjoy your week !!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A Couple of REDS!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Ribbon and Trim
I think you can figure out the ribbon used here. The TRIM part is such fun! Trim refers to border punches..... I just got the MS Lattice punch, so I used it twice, on each edge to make a full lattice. Since I was using a new punch, I also just got the MS butterfly, so this is here too.
Looks pretty simple, but it took about an hour to make. Guess an easy idea takes more time. Once I get the hang of this punch it will go faster. Thanks for looking today, and for your nice comments (it sure encourages me!!). Have a good one!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
THT037 Paper Piecing
Do you think I took the easy way out??? Out of all the new sets that are being released today, I chose this one, Spring is in the Air. I just love this fat lady bug!! Her body is pieced in my favorite color - RED - and so is the rest of the card. I just got the BIG scallop circle punch, so I layered it with my others, and added a black ribbon with a lady bug charm tied to it. The panel tucks into the punched corners, and the brads hold it in place.
Be sure to visit, and see the new digi stamps. Please also check out what the DT has done, and when you join in, add THT037 to your keyword.

The colors are just so earthy, bright, and gorgeous, aren't they?? I took these colors and a wonderful image (Southwestern is close to Mexican, right???) from Rubbernecker for my card today.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Belli Challenge #85
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
DDC, MMTPT81, and CC....and 3fer!
Today's hostess for the Doubledog Dare Challenge is Joanne (sleepyinseattle) who DARED us to make a St. Patrick's Day card. Easy peasy!!
Inside, it says "I don't look all that Irish!"
Mothermark's Teapot Tuesday teaparty takes us to NO to the Mardi Gras, where masks are the costume of the day. I think this mask is hysterical. I hope you like it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
CAS54 Spring Chick and candy holder to match!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Casing Laurie!
The FS at SCS today is HamiltonGal, Laurie. Her gallery is a lot of fun, and I found nine (!) cards I'll be casing this week.
I think these both make nice St. Patrick's Day cards to add to those I've already done. I don't send out that many, so I'm almost there.
Today, in addition to valentine's Day , is DH's birthday. We'll be busy the rest of the day, so there'll be no comments. Have no fear, I'll be looking at your posts tomorrow! Have a Happy!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
You are so Dear to me! (and Faux Snakeskin info below!)
The Inspiration Challenge today took us to an interesting artwork site:
Rather than send you there to see what inspired me, I put a picture of it beside the card I made this morning so you could compare. I made this a Spring/Summer deer, rather than winter. It will go to my uncle who lives in NH, who is VERY dear to me. He lives surrounded by lovely woods with few neighbors, and often has deer in his yard. I think he would like this. That's it. Have a great day.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snakeskin Challenge at RES-Q
The RESQ32 Challenge is to try a new technique.......faux snakeskin. Now before you go EEEEEEEAWWWWWW!!, take a look at how this tutorial works:
Isn't that fabulous, mostly because you KNOW we all save everything, so you surely have some of this netting stuff!!
This is my card for the challenge. Inside it says,
"He had a CAR???????"
My friends know I only make humorous St.Patrick's Day cards, so they will expect this. If you join the challenge, add RESQ32 to your keyword.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
St. Patrick's Day Chicken
Today I started cards for the next holiday. I don't make or send out a lot of cards in March, but the ones I do send out are to friends who expect them. I like to make them humorous, and do something no one anticipates. I love to use animal images, and this chicken really appealed to me this morning.
I made this one for the WT challenge on SCS ... to use odd numbers of things. As you can tell, there is just one of each item... ribbon, brad, tag, image. This was fun to paint. I really love Penny Black stamps because the faces are always so cute. I hope you like this. You'll be seeing green cards for a while!!
* be sure to check out my THT036 below *
THT036 Say It With Love
Today is the day TreehouseStamps is releasing a whole group of new digi stamps. Here is one of the images from the set called "Hello Friend". I just adore this happy face!!
The background is also Treehouse DP called Flower, and it comes in a variety of colors. I hope you can see the glitter on the wings, and the sweet pink cheeks onthis high flier!! Be sure to check out the whole DT and go to the store here:
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Chase, You're ONE!!
I think the sketch challenge today at SCS makes the cutest little birthday card for a little boy! My cousin's son, Chase, is turning one year old. Doesn't time fly! Especially when you look at someone else's children!!
I figured out how to cut these sailboats with my punches to make them out-of-the-box. It's a look I really love. The dp came from Ireland, via Sabrina (cook 22), and it's just wonderful!
Have a great day today..... we are awaiting a snowstorm, schools are closed or are releasing early, and there has been a run on snow removal stuff and food. We are hunkering down. Ah well, it IS winter!
(I cut down from the top of the sail on either side. I fitted my punch around the image, and with tweezers, lifted the sail up so it wasn't punched. Clever, huh?)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
DARE and CC - the CAS Way!
Tuesday is Doubledog Dare Challenge day. This week's hostess is Joan (joan ervin) who DARED us to make a get well card. 'Tis the season, I guess. If you made it this far, there's no saying a winter cold won't strike - winter is FAR from over.
We hope you will join us in this easy peasy challenge, and please add DDC to your keyword so we can enjoy it.
This is also for the CC today on SCS. The colors are Sage, Durango, and Chocolate Chip. I got to use my Outlaw dp from SU! and some vanilla, and it really was a quick CAS card. Hope you like it, and that you are having a wonderful day. Hugs to you all!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Two for Monday...and a sneak peek!
Here's a sneak peek of a new digi set called "Hello Friends" that will be available on Feb. 11th at Treehousestamps. I used this fun image for the TLC this morning at SCS for a technique by Holly McMillan. It's Frosted Windows, and involves vellum, which I don't use very often.
I added a bee hive and comb, some little tiny bees, and a prima with brad. I don't use my Nesties often enough either, so this was an event!!! Don't forget to check out Treehouse for their new arrivals!
For the CAS today, theirs was an inspiration site of old fashioned candy. For us oldsters, it wasn't old fashioned at all!! We had a penny candy store just a few houses away, and for a penny, you could get a LOT!! I loved buttons, so that's what I used here, and of course I had to use RED! This card took 5 minutes, and only one little stamp, a punch and some ribbon! Have a great day!