Since we are still on vacation in NH, limited supplies is what I have!! Also we were to use a bird of some kind, and a penguin is a bird, right?
I love the E K Success punches, and I brought three of them with me. I just couldn't bear to leave them all alone at home. I think they add so much without being overwhelming.
Fortunately, I bought some nice RED plaid ribbon, and I used it here as embellishment, along with some gold cord made into a bow.....a penguin deserves some jazzing up, don't you agree? I also did a few rows of piercing. A fast card, but I love the results. I am finding I really enjoy the CAS cards. We are off to Big Lots, Joanne's, Stamping Memories, and Hart's Turkey Farm for lunch. (With a turkey dinner on my mind, I couldn't bring myself to use a turkey stamp today!) Hugs to all!