No card making......Mom arrived on Friday, and we did a lot of errands. Saturday AM we left early for my Uncle Paul's 90th birthday party in New Hampshire.......long ride, great fun! Sunday was my granddaughter's Feis (pronounced FESH), her Irish step Dancing competition! She of course is central in the picture in her beautiful dress. (If you click on her, the picture will enlarge, I think) Erin has just turned 12, loves purple, but her latest favorite is Teal! She competed for the first time in hard shoes, in addition to soft shoes for the Reel, Jig, and Slip Jig, and won medals in all four. By the time we got home, Mom, DH and I were very tired. We sort of watched the RED SOX lose, and were really bumps on logs. Busy weekend. Tomorrow I leave for Mom's for a few days...we are attacking the attic before it gets too hot. Be back on Friday afternoon. Have a great week. Hugs.