Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jake is 16!

Jake came home from fishing in Maine to celebrate his birthday.  His mother baked a cake, and brought it along with them.  Dad was at home taking some meds for a bad back, so there was more cake for Mimi, Buppa, and Great Gram.

 Here is Jake trying to light a match for the candles.  (We KNOW he will never be an arsonist!)
 Mom took over.
 Jake getting ready to blow out the candles..........but
 ...we faked him out by singing to him again.  His actual birthday was the 16th, so we called him and sang loudly and off key into the phone.  He thought that would be the last of it.....but oh no!!
 Here is the first present he asked for................
 ....and the second.  He can always count on his Mimi to get what he wants.
This is from  from Nickleback for his guitar.

We enjoyed out cake, visiting, and off they went.  We can't believe he is already 16, and learning to drive!  WOW!