Monday, October 25, 2010

Ornament Card

For two challenges, the CAS (gingham) and the TLC (to make an ornament). The photo shows what the ornament looks like by itself, and the card shown in the upper corner shows how it will go into an envelope.

I sort of flew by the seat of my pants on this. I folded and cut first, then stitched up the side, down the slope, raised the foot of the machine and folded it together, and continued across the bottom, closing up the two thicknesses to form the pocket.

After I had this done, I decided to emboss with the hearts, and had to place the EF inside the card. Another time, I would do this first. Live and learn!

Tomorrow AM I am having hand surgery, so I probably won't be posting for a few days. Have a great week, and hugs to you all!