Saturday, October 31, 2009
Inspiration Challenge

Friday, October 30, 2009
Sharing a great idea!
I just had to share this with you because I thought this card was such fun, and easy to boot!!
Here is the blog where there are directions for this card, http://www.creationsbypatti.blogspot.com/search/label/Cards, and lots of other really neat creations. I found this blog sorta by mistake, and am I ever glad I did.
I changed the papers, and the front, but of course I had to keep the RED.......Gee! I don't know why!!!! I thought this was a wonderful idea, and I'll be making more of these for Christmas. The front may change, but I really love the snowman inside with the snowflakes.
I hope you will check out her blog.....her name is Patti, and she has a LOT of fab things.
...and the Leaves Came Down
What a fun challenge today.......we were to make a card showing our weather, and 2/2/2. We are having a cloudy windy day, and this new Inkadinkado stamp was just perfect. I used my cloud template (thanks Mothermark!), and added a couple of extra leaves. For the twos, 2 ribbons, 2 swirls, 2 popped leaves, and 2 colors of layered cardstock.
The leaves really are coming down fast. All I could think of, looking out the window, was ..."and the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down". You know, from Winnie the Pooh. In this case, it's not rain, but leaves. DH took care of them two days ago, and it looks like they were never touched! Guess how happy that makes him!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are having nice weather where you are. Boy, the TX-CO area is really getting socked! I'm so glad I live HERE. Have a great day, wherever you are!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Purple Thistle
I just love this image!! The WT today is to use purple. This is the only stamp that comes to my mind when I think of purple. I have lots of other images that would work as well, but this one really does it for me!!
It also gave me a chance to use my new E K Success Curve Punch, some pretty paper (I love sage shadow and any kind of plaid), and some girly pearls.
I am spending the day alone...YAY!... and hoping to get some birthday cards done for November. We have a lot of them... all in the same week as Thanksgiving. Since DH and I will be away from the 8th to the 15th, I thought I'd better work on them now.
Have a creative and wonderful day!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Silent Night
Creative Belli Challenge #77
The Creative Belli Challenge this week is being sponsored by Sherrod Studios, who sent us some images to use for our cards. I chose to use the turkey for a Thanksgiving easel card. I watercolored the image, added leaves, a brad, and some sentiments. I tied some raffia in a knot, and done!
The challenge was to use RAFFIA or twine on our cards, in addition to whatever we already had in our stash for card making. That's the fun of the Belli......we are to use what we already have. We invite you to play along with us. Check out the cards submitted by the Design Team, andupload your card to the Belli Blog at http://www.bellichallenge.blogspot.com/
and find our sponsors website here:http://sherrodstudio.com/.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

(joan ervin), who DARED us to case something from the gallery of our very own Julia (artystamper). You just know how fabulous her site is, since she has been one of the Featured stampers on SCS!!
The hardest part is choosing what to case. I finally opted for the card here on the right, called Gingerbread Christmas Wish. I changed a few minor things, but kept the integrity of the wonderful layout!
My card is below Julia's so you can compare what
I DON'T want you to do is compare our abilities.
I am not in Julia's league.
I hope you will want to join us in the DARE this week. Check out Julia's gallery, and when you upload, please put DDC in your keyword so we can find your card or project. We post a new challenge in the Forum every Tuesday.
Morning Sky
The Color Challenge today on SCS is a gorgeous combination: Melon Mambo, Kraft, and Black. The card itself is Kraft, just in case you can't see it. I know I am not Michelle Zindorf, and I have far to go in mastering the brayered technique for which she is known, but I couldn't resist trying this. Since my table was really messy from the retiform technique (or TRICK), I thought why not add to the mess, and clean it all up at once!
The only thing I felt compelled to do was to insert two teeny butterfly brads. Their color was close enough. I'll probably do another with these colors later. If you like this one, come back and look to see if I really tried again with something different.
Monday, October 26, 2009
A 2nd Challenge today......Peaceful Forest
Sparkly Snowflakes
The CAS today was to use eyelets or brads. Obviously, I had held onto these sparkly silver brads forevah! just to use for this challenge.
All I used was one set of stamps, one color (brocade blue), and seven brads. Works for me! Another Christmas card done. (I think I'd better be careful.....when we go away Nov. 8th -15th, I may not have much to do!!)
The sun is bright. A perfect Fall day for DH to rake. Did you notice I didn't say ME?? The yard is not my job. In fact, DH is wondering what IS my job.LOL! Have a great one! Hugs to you all.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Chrysanthemum Birthday
Saturday, October 24, 2009
You Rule The Seas!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Girly Girl in RED
The limited supplies challenge this morning is to make a card featuring a girly girl. Can't get much better than this wonderful image!! She is paper pieced and watercolored, and I just couldn't resist some RED rhinestones. This color combination, as you well know, is my favorite!!
I was so glad the challenge was posted at midnight.... I woke up at 2 Am, and couldn't go back to sleep. I spent some time checking out your blogs, and fulfilling some obligations for design teams. Now I am all caught up, and I think it's time I had some coffee. The sun is still not up, but I sure am!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Christmas Lamb
I got home about an hour ago, had an expensive time at my favorite LSS, but DH paid!!, enjoyed lunch with our friend, and after groceries were put away, decided to do another for the WT.
The background is patched, the label is a new Nestie, and the lamb is a Bosskut I've been anxious to try out. The star is metallic gold, but is not bent.....that's the way the light hit the arms of the star. I really like this, and may do more with the lamb, but not the patches. Too many x's!!
Thanks for looking!
RED patched happy snowman!
Years ago when I made real quilts, one of the easiest to make was called Crazy Quilt. It had no pattern, just random pieces of fabric were appliqued onto a backing. That's what I did with this card for the Ways To Use It challenge at SCS today. I had a lot of RED scraps (Gee! Go figure!!), so I took out the folder FULL of them, and patched them on a piece of RED. I paper pieced the snowman as well, and popped up a hat to show just how happy he was.
DH and I are off for the day. I'm going to my favorite LSS, we're meeting a friend for lunch, then groceries (that part is yucky!). I'll be back to comment tonight. Have a wonderful day. Hugs!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cross-Eyed Owl
The SC today on SCS was one of mine that Roxie chose! How cool is that??? Mom and I had time to do one last card before she hits the road this morning. The time has gone way too fast. We've made lots of cards, and what a mess!!
Hope you like the card we came up with this morning. My owl looks very cross-eyed. Mom's does not. I can't figure that out!! Oh well, it is what it is.
Have a great day......be visiting your blogs later today.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Mom and I have been busy!
For the MMMY4 today, MariLynn had a picture of a wonderful teapot........you'll have to go see it in the gallery.......this computer is being VERY temperamental this AM!! Anyway, this is done in cameo and white, and I had this ribbon that matches perfectly!! The cb bg is Tiny Mosaic, and the sentiment is from Espress Yourself. We added some flowers, and now we will stoop for a while. We are thinking about a trip to M's. Hmmmmm........anyone want to join us??LOL!
Twick or Tweet
The hostess for this week's Doubledog Dare Challenge is Joanne (sleepyinseattle), who sent us a bag of Halloween stuff. The DARE was to make a Halloween card with the materials she provided. I should have taken a picture of the things she mailed.......ribbons, papers, pumpkins, ghosts, images, .....what fun!!
Here is the card I made.....I just loved the bats! But I have to tell you that the image of the skeleton with the dog taking a bite of his leg bone just cracks me up. I would have ordered the set for this image alone!
Please feel free to join us in the DARE. Make whatever Halloween card you want, just put DDC in the keyword at SCS so we can find it! Have a great day!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mom is Visiting!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Another for Riley, Our FS
Because I saved NINE different cards I wanted to case of Riley's (and that was only on the first and the top of the second pages of her gallery!), I decided to go back to my addict...ahem.....craft room, and do another. I had saved this cutout from a card I received last Christmas, and thought it was perfect for this layout. I cb'd the middle section of the three bands, and used a punch for the scalloped circle, but that was about it. Add a couple dewdrops, a ribbon, and done. And speaking of done, I am, for the day. Seeya tomorrow!!
Reindeer for Riley
Riley Fitzgerald is the Featured Stamper today on SCS. I always love to see what she has posted. Her layouts are wonderful. I had to keep the theme, layout, and colors of the card I chose to case. What I changed was the dp, the image (still keeping the reindeer), the ribbon, and added a sentiment and pearls.
I am still working on Christmas cards, and the theme of Riley's card was perfect. I hope she likes what I have done in her honor.
Today it is raining like time (as my Grandfather used to say......and I STILL don't know what that means!LOL!). The grass seed that DH put in yesterday should take really well. I am dying to watch the Patriots play in the rain this afternoon....not as good as snow, but who needs THAT?????? We'll spend a lazy day, and since I twinged my back yesterday, that works for me. Have a great day......kick back and relax!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
IC Xenia Talor Tiles
The Inspiration Challenge at SCS today was a gallery of tiles by Xenia Talor. They are all beautiful! The one I chose on which to base my card is called Summer Trees. Obviously I used Fall colors to make this Thanksgiving, my first venture with the new In Colors from Stampin' Up. Very simple.......in fact, Clean and Simple.
Thanks for looking, and have a great weekend!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Half-Done Card........COOL!
I had some flower die cuts from a million years ago, made by K & Co., and this one of the rose was staring me in the face, so on it went. I love punching and die cutting, so this was a snap. I am liking the results. Maybe I'll finish up the rest of the package, and tie them together as a quick gift!! Thanks for looking. Hugs to you all.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
2nd post today.......WT Leaves
For the WT today, the theme was leaves. I have been working on making a bunch of cards for the Fall, so this fit right in. I was really foolish in thinking I could just whip off a CD case. I hadn't done one in a long time, and it took forever of course. My carft table will take an hour to clean up. I used just about everything I own (well not really!) I have posted the two sides so you can see front and back, and I hope you like it. This one will go to my MOM, who loves shaker cards. I think you can see in the front picture that the sequin leaves are free-floating. I had planned to do a pocket card (thanks Wendybell!) for her as a surprise, but she was here, and wormed it out of me. Both my DD and Mom are able to do that!! Enough. Thanks for visiting. Have a creative and fun day.
Divine Diva Inspiration Challenge

My version of this fabric is here, below, done in beige, with razzleberry, durango, curry, and a touch of bermuda bay. I tried to keep a variety of flowers, as in the original, added some wavy lines, and used the punch as a textural dimension.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Belli Challenge #76 and SC250....Two today!
The Belli Challenge today is sponsored by Creative Cuts and More. They have the most wonderful die cuts, and a fabulous assortment of windows, special folds, and a great variety of things for your creative projects. Their papers are gorgeous. Go to their website here :
The Challenge today is to make a Fall or Thanksgiving card with at least one leaf. I used CC&M's library pocket card, and a wonderful Karen Lockhart stamp. The leaves are punched out, markered and sponged. Feel free to join us in the challenge. You can upload your card to our blog
http://www.bellichallenge.blogspot.com/ and also to SCS by putting CBC76 in your keyword. Check out what the other DT members have done!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
........and now for the DDC!
Julia (artystamper) is the hostess for the Doubledog Dare Challenge today. She dared us to make a coffin for Halloween candy.
It was easier to make than I thought it would be, and I have two views for you to see....the inside is dp, and the "eyeball" candy will be fun for my DGS Jake. The rope is to keep the Mummy from climbing out!
Julia gave us the website for the template here:
Please join us and when you upload to SCS, please put DDC in your keyword so we can find it!!
A Little Birdie............
What a terrible day it is here!! Very hard rain, and dark, dark, dark!! Impossible to get a good clear picture of my card this morning. It's a little fuzzy, but I think you can see it all right.
The color challenge forced me to open a new color, Bermuda Bay, and how FABULOUS it is!! A totally different color than Teal. I almost didn't get it. Watercoloring it, I could tone it down or use it full strength, and the bird really shows up against the muted browns of the owl. I hope you like it.
Julia has posted the Doubledog Dare Challenge, and it's rather involved, so I'll be back later with a different kind of project, a Halloween COFFIN. Sounds fun, huh? Seeya later.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I am in shape....Round is a shape!
Happy Snowman
Today is R & R time. It's chilly here, leaves are changing quickly, and I dread the winter ahead. I think I'll just focus on today. Have a great one, and thanks for joining me here. Hugs.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Parisian Peacock
I woke up with a headache, but I never let that stop me from stamping. I have two design team cards to make for the middle of next week, so I'll be working on those today. Tomorrow we are going to watch the DGS's (age 8 and 9) play Pop Warner football, and DGD's Cheerleading competition. If I get a chance to do the FS it will be late. Have a great weekend my friends, and thanks for looking here again. Hugs.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Round Two, B/W/ and RED!
Unassembled Snowmen
For the SC today, I had some Christmas dp right on top of my table. I love this saying, and this snowman paper seemed to be just perfect. I had to just cut one out and pop it up.
I also had my new MA snowflake punch there, and went nuts using it. All the extras that punched out got used too.
Yesterday after all our errands, we went out to lunch (falling off the diet), but we were so good! Steak and veggies, a glass of wine, and I still lost weight! How great is that??! Today I promise to be good.
Have a great day! Hugs to you all!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Doubledog Dare Challenge
Today I am the hostess for the Doubledog Dare Challenge. I challenge you to make a masculine Get Well card. No ribbon or flowers allowed. Anything else goes. If you play along, please put DDC in your keyword. Mine is here, combined with the CC on SCS.
The colors for today are mellow moss, kraft, and white craft ink. I really like this combination, and it was so easy to use with the DDC. I love this ship stamp from Post Modern Design (it's a cube!), and it shows up better than I thought it would with the white ink. I made some waves, added brads and a hand written sentiment, and that was enough.
We are off to the grocery store and a few errands, so I'll be checking back in with you this afternoon. Happy stamping!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Animals for a Monday!
The cards for today are for two different challenges. The leopard is for the CAS35, which had a wonderful website from which to choose inspiration. I chose a pillow that was done in a leopard pattern. Luckily, last week I had gone to M's, and they had a sale on animal print ribbons. Gimme some of those!!! Bought some for me and some for Mom too. I love the In The Wild set..........great leopard, don't you think???
The second card I made was for the Technique Lover's Challenge. Today Lynn had us make Faux Suede, and IRL it looks like it! Very simple.......rub the CS against a table or anything with a hard edge and break the fibers. Then when you separate them, the inside looks like suede, and you get two sheets. I love this image of the peacock. I cut the thank you off the front and put it on the side of the wood so I could use the image alone. Works great!. I used my favorite MS border punch and a couple of brads. Very easy. Actually, I guess I made TWO CAS cards today.
Our leaves are turning, and lots are already falling. Our friend Cheryl looked at the driveway as they were leaving Saturday, and said, "Your tree threw up!" That's how many leaves are down!! Have a wonderful Autumn day. Hugs to you all.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
World Card Making Day
Some of these challenges were A REAL challenge, but all in all, they were great fun. I hope you enjoy looking at what I have done. I planned to take the rest of the day off, but I looked to see who the Featured Stamper was, and when I discovered it was Lois Bak (clownmom), I knew I would be at it again!!
The deets for these cards ore on my SCS gallery if you care to look. I'll be back later with my card honoring Lois!!