Here is my Scrapling for the challenge this morning. I combined it with the DDC hosted by Joanne (sleepyinseattle). She dared us to make something with apples. Perfect for this time of year. I hope you will join us by putting DDC in your keyword. I also slipped this into the
RedDivas gallery, 'cause I think it's mostly RED, right????????I just got back from Mom's.......stayed longer than I planned. She really wanted me to stay and play a little more! We had a great time shopping and stamping. I went there to take her to the eye doctor since she wouldn't be able to drive. Since I was so close, I made plans to finally get together with my SCS friend, Julia (artystamper), for dinner. She lives only one town away from Mom. How cool is that????????? When we were seated, this is what she gave me!!! Not only is it
RED, it was full of RED and white peppermint candy!!!
Here is a picture of the two of us, taken by a waitress while I am having a lovely HOT FLASH! Don't I look great???!!!!!!!! I really did wear
RED so Julia would find me, by I took off that jacket while I was flashing.........I seem to be RED enough, don't I?????? By the way, Julia ia wearing her Anne Boleyn pin she got in England!!
In front of Julia are the two birthday cards Mom and I made for her (Sept. 5th is the day), and obviously mine is
RED! The really funny thing is...........my card and Julia's gift to me were done with the same stamp set!! Are we on the same page or what????
Anyway, we sat and talked for two hours, and I don't think either of us drew a breath. (We are BOTH very SHY!!........NOT!) The time went by too fast, but we will surely do this again. I had such a fabulous time, and spent the next hour telling my mother how wonderful Julia is!!
Okay. I told you it was a long story...........but certainly worth the telling, if you got this far! Have a great day, and wish Julia a Happy Birthday tomorrow! Happy Birthday my friend!!!