You just knew I couldn't go very long without making something in
RED, right? Today I tried a new Technique called 5 layer button. It's really easy! The only hard part is being patient while the Crystal Effects dries! I am NOT good at waiting! Getting the floss into the holes was a good trick too, and now that I look at it, the tied floss looks like a bow tie. Hm. Didn't plan that. IRL the ribbon is a fab match to the dp. Lighting is not very good this morning. Have a wonderful day, all! (six pounds gone!)
woooo hoooo on the 6 lbs. and they better not be heading to my hips ... er.... house!
fabulous card!
Total cuteness, Anne! I love your snowman button! Congrats on the 6 lbs, too!
Fabulous red and I love those icicles.
What a fab red card!!!! Too cute!!! Love that snowman button!!
Congrats on the weight loss. I am on a diet and lost 10 pounds now. You know all this sitting and stamping puts weight on quick.
Great job with that fabulous button, Anne!! What a great holiday card!!!
Love that snowman button. I going to run and try this technique right now.
What a cool technique with the button, and the "bowtie" is just an added bonus! Fabulous : )
WOW! Congrats on the weight loss hun!! It's a hard thing to do!! ;) Your card is very pretty!! I knew you had to sneak some more red in there! TEE!!
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