I am packed and ready to go to Mom's for a few days, so I'll see you Thursday. We'll be making cards, going to lunch, Dr. appts, the usual. I'll also be meeting Julia (artystamper) for dinner Tuesday night. I told her I would wear RED so she would recognize me!!! I'll give her hellos and hugs from you!! Have a great couple of days, and see you soon. Bye!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Make-over Tree for CAS
I am packed and ready to go to Mom's for a few days, so I'll see you Thursday. We'll be making cards, going to lunch, Dr. appts, the usual. I'll also be meeting Julia (artystamper) for dinner Tuesday night. I told her I would wear RED so she would recognize me!!! I'll give her hellos and hugs from you!! Have a great couple of days, and see you soon. Bye!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Two for Darlene
I was really in a Fall mood today....we have had a couple of cool nights, and putting on jeans and a long sleeved shirt feels good for a change. Next week is September! Can you even believe it???? Soon the pool will be closed, and the grands start school next week. We had a miserable summer, so I hope we will have a decent Fall. Our Featured Stamper, Darlene, hails from Ohio, where I grew up. I thought two cards were called for since we were NEARLY neighbors! Check out her gallery......she has some wonderful classic cards and layouts. Congratulations Darlene...enjoy your day. YOU TOO!! Hugs to all.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Gift Card
DH and I went for haircuts this morning.......his 50th reunion from HS is two weeks away, so we should be pretty spiffy by then. He suggested we go out to lunch, and so I said, "Well, I guess so" (LOL!!), so we are off. Check you out later today. Have a good one!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Vintage Baby Dress
My grandmother, mother and I made a Christening dress when I was pregnant with my 1st child, my DS. Gramma did all the lace (11 yards of it!), Mom did the putting together (34 tiny tucks), and I did all the embroidery. A real work of love! My three wore it, and then my grands!! The lace is left over from this dress. (I guess I'm a saver too!) The dress on this card looks just like the one we made all those years ago. How cool is that!!! I hope you like the card and this story that certainly goes with it!!
Have a great day (I am.........that headache is finally gone!) Hugs.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Soft and Gentle Flower
I got this paper many years ago when I bought a scrapbook set that included a voice chip. My grands were all little, with those cute voices, you know? I made a book for my parents, who played it over and over and over. My Mom still does! I'm so glad I did! I used different paper, so I had all this left that matches.......even die cuts. I pulled them out today. Perfect. Not a lot of thinking, on a morning that thinking is well near impossible. I'm off with my coffee to the hot tub. I may feel better after. Have a great day. I'll visit you later. Hugs.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
DDC, Dance For Joy!
This week's hostess for the Doubledog Dare Challenge is Joan Ervin, who dared us to make a card with glamorous women. I would say this sure qualifies!! Thanks, Joan.
DH and I had a wonderful DATE yesterday. We enjoy dates, even though we are retired and spend quite a bit of time together. On September 8th, we will be celebrating 46 years married. Wow! Does the time go fast.
Have a great day.........be creative.......be kind.........do something RED!! (LOL!)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Kreative Blogger Award

After accepting this award, I had to complete the following list! *Thank the person who nominated me for this award! *Copy the logo and place it on my blog! *Link the person who nominated me for this award! *Name seven things about me that people might find interesting! *Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers *Post a link to the seven blogs! *Leave comments on the seven blogs letting them know I have nominated them!
So, I have linked to Fran's blog.
Seven things about me....
I attended eleven different schools before college!
I was a dealer in rare books.
I eloped with my college sweetheart.
I am in my hottub with coffee every morning.
My only job in the house is cooking!
I am a fan of the RED Sox and Patriots.
I love hot and spicy foods!!
Now, let's see about seven Kreative Bloggers...................
Cathleen at http://crookedcardcreations.blogspot.com/
Rachel at http://gingerbreadgallery.blogspot.com/
Shannon at http://hoppycreations.blogspot.com/
Tenia at http://jazzypaper.blogspot.com/
Connie at http://cmc2stamp.blogspot.com/
You are all fabulous bloggers, and I love to see what you have done daily!!
Bourbon Roses

I will be back to check out your postings later today. DH and I have an all-day date to meet a friend for lunch, but it means a lot of driving. When food is involved, we really don't mind!! Have a wonderful day, and do some fun stuff!! Hugs to you all.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
.....and another for Joanne(jojot)!
Hooray for the RED white and black!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Winter Deer
Now, on to DIL, Debbie. They kept her at the hospital, and she had surgery yesterday to repair a displacement fracture of her ankle. She had a plate put in. She will go home today, and it sure ruined the class she has been teaching this summer!! If you would like to send her a card, let me
Have a great day.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Flower Soft is Messy! and a Sad Ending.....
I decided to do the Ways To Use It Challenge at SCS today. I needed some happy RED to shake off some not so good news.
My DIL, Debbie, got a gift certificate from her Middle School students for a mani-pedi, and she was very excited to get one for the first time. As she was leaving, she fell, and broke her ankle, tore the ligaments, and suffered a dislocation. She went to the hospital, where they gave her DRUGS, and she had surgery this morning.
We didn't know until this afternoon whether or not we would have Jake, our DGS, stay with us, or how she was doing, so we have been here all day waiting to hear.......she is now home, and DS says she is okay. I will feel better after speaking with her. Men are not good at telling who, what, and all that stuff.
In the meantime, keeping busy with the challenge was a bit of a challenge........my sweet friend Anne (Itsapassion) sent me some Flower Soft. I didn't remember what she told me about how to use it. as a result, even though I used it sparingly, it's all over my table, shirt, pants, hands, you know!
I hope you like the card, and I will keep you posted on Debbie's condition!!
Divine Diva Inspiration Challenge #10

This is my very first DDIC and I want to thank Lori Rider and the DT for inviting me to join them.
On the left is the bedroom taken from Wrapables.com that was to be our inspiration. The colors of chocolate and gold just seemed so elegant, that I took the gold of the pillow and the print design as the basis for my card. I also included the flickering candles in the gold and orange button embellishment.
I used the Autumn Days and Autumn Leaf Prints stamp sets from SU, and brushed gold and chocolate chip paper. I stamped in Stazon Timber Brown. The gold leaves in the bg are embossed in Egyptian Gold EP, and are dazzling IRL.
I hope you like what I have done with this challenge. Please visit the other members of the Divine Divas to see their cards by going to the left and clicking on each name under the badge. If you would like to join us in this inspiration please link it here:
and you can also post to SCS by putting DDIC10 in your keyword.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
SC242 Rose
DDC A Pair of Pirates
We hope you like them. Have a great day!!
Belli Challenge #72
This challenge is to use water-based markers..........NO COPICS!! Please join us by 'markering' an image for your card and posting to the CBC72 gallery!!
I chose this Sleepy Bear. The card is made with Brocade Blue dp, and the coloring is done with SU markers in Summer Sun, Brocade Blue, Blush Blossom, Pretty in Pink, Creamy Caramel, and Bashful Blue. the star and the bear's face are popped to give it a little dimension. In addition, I used punches and brads for embellishment.
Check out the CBC72 gallery on Split Coast Stampers, and go to the Creative Belli Blog by clicking the blinkie and see all the cards made by the group! Make sure you add yours!!!! If you are chosen at roandom, you will receive a $25.00 gift certificate to Peachy Keen.....how cool is that??? Check out Peachy Keen Stamps by going to their website. Tell them the Belli Girls sent you!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Paper-Pieced Boat and MMTPT60
This is also for Teapot Tuesday. We are going to Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia for the teaparty today. It's jojot's favorite place, and I love it too!! We have to bring fish, but instead I am bringing my tugboat that is so cute, fish just love to see it, and swim right up to the side. These fish will be really easy to catch, and fresh fish are not so smelly!! I think this is a much better idea!! I'm sure Muddermark will agree!! LOL!
Another scalding hot day, and if any of us sit by the pool it won't be for long. Hope it's cooler where you are!! Hugs.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hats and Hats
We are expecting the H-H-H day (hazy, hot, humid), so I will be spending some time by the pool. Paul, Debbie, and Jake will be here later this morning. We love to have them come. That's it for me, now off to see you. Have a great day, my friends!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hoot If You Love RED!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Third and FINAL post!!
These two cards are for the other CASDT challenges. I think you could see them better on my SCS Gallery! Once I had the stuff out, I figured there was no reason not to! I harbor no illusions that I will be chosen to be a CAS team member, but I have enjoyed so much making CAS cards in the past few months.
I appreciate your interest in looking at my blog. Now I'm off to look at yours!! Have a great day!!
Ladybug Autumn......2nd post today
Samantha's Braces Are Gone!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Autumn Trees
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Out-of-the-box Baby Giraffe
This is also for the Doubledog Dare Challenge, and I am this week's hostess. I dared the group to make an out-of-the-box card.......no other requirements. I love the look, and seldom do it......I wonder why that is??? Anyway, if you would like to join us in this challenge, just put DDC in your keyword. Simple.
Have a wonderful day. Hugs. And if you didn't see my BIG NEWS yesterday, check below.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Big News!!

I am pleased to announce I have been asked to join the Divine Divas! Lori Rider contacted me, and I promptly accepted the new challenge! The Divine Divas Inspiration Challenge (DDIC) posts every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. Above is the Badge I am adding to my blog sidebar, and this is the list of members of the DDIC Team:
Angela Jones
Chat Wszelaki
Chris Olsen
Julie Warner
Keri Brown
Lori Rider
and ME!
I am so honored to be a part of this fabulous group of creative artists! Watch for the DDIC here on August 20th. That's when I submit my first post. YAY!
Bleached Trees
Monday, August 10, 2009
Bling Anniversary in RED!
The only requirement for the RedDivas is that you have used RED.
Thanks for looking, and have a great day!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Roses For My Sweet Joanne!
Joanne makes such beautifully embossed roses. Rather than try to replicate hers, I changed the image to one that is smaller, and used two roses. Never again will I emboss white on white and then try to cut it out!! I had to keep turning it to catch the light so I could see where to put my scissors!! Oh well, live and learn! I also reversed the colors and orientation. I hope you like my version of her card, although I could never do what she does!! Congratulations again, Joanne!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Sage is food, right?
Mom arrives this morning for the weekend. We are planning a quick trip to Ink About It, then back here for a day with son Paul and family. Tomorrow we go to DGD's Irish Step-Dancing Competition, then to friends' for dinner. In between, mom and I will make....oh....maybe some cards!!
Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by. Hugs to all.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Pleated Harlequin
This card is also for the RedDivas, a group of us who really love one color, and whenever we make a card in this color, we put that in our keywords. If you would like to be one of the RedDivas, the next time you make a card that fits, please join us. We have a fun gallery on SCS. Take a look.
Have a great day.......we have errands, I'll be reading by the pool, and then to DS's for a corned beef dinner......he's been corning the beef himself for a few days! (He's a wonderful cook!) Hugs to you all.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
CBC#71 Wood is the Theme!
Time Runs...........
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
CLOSE TO RED Roses for the DARE!
Is Cameo close to RED???????????
A twofer today.......for the CC aat SCS, and the Dare. This week's hostess, Beverly (beestamper) gave us this sketch to follow, so I thought I'd combine the two. Please join us...the sketch is wonderful! I spent a lot of time on this card, and now that I see it blown up, there are some things I would change if I were doing it again. For one thing, I would make the panel smaller so you could see the roses by the trellis THAT TOOK SO LONG TO CUT OUT! And I would use a thinner ribbon so things were easier to see. The sentiment is a little off......well, you get the gist.
Another lovely day......DS and family are coming back with steaks for the grill. We'll be outside all day, and they will probably stay to play cards and listen to the RED Sox, so I may not get to your blogs today.
Enjoy the summer......it's going FAST!! Hugs.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Black and White and NO RED!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Daisies Make Me Smile!
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