Thursday, August 20, 2020

CCEE2034 Oldsters Having Fun

Here it is the day after Liz's birthday, the big 7-0.  In honor of National Senior Citizens Day on Aug. 21st, let's  use some adorable old women still having fun and enjoying life on your cards today.

Happy Birthday, Liz!!  Take comfort in the fact that I'll always be older than you!!!

Pleas join us HERE.


Lynn McAuley said...

Love this fun birthday card, Anne! I am celebrating the fact that for one month, I will get to be TWO years younger than my sister!! Seems quite important now with that big rounded number looming in my future, as well! Look out awesome, here we come!!

Lois said...

Awesome card, and I love what you said about always being older than Liz. I tell my best friend that SHE will always be older than me -- by six months!

StampOwl said...

these AI gals are popular for this challenge LOL ... love your card

MiamiKel said...

just love this! THe paper choice and your image and coloring - perfection!